Survival English
At I-House Ann Arbor, we provide free ESL workshops in partnership with Washtenaw Literacy. Join us on most Sundays from 3:30-5pm. Improve your English. All levels welcome.
At I-House Ann Arbor, we provide free ESL workshops in partnership with Washtenaw Literacy. Join us on most Sundays from 3:30-5pm. Improve your English. All levels welcome.
IHAA = a hub of consciousness-raising events and social activities for ALL international students and residents of Washtenaw County. See our events.
Diwali – a huge success at I-House Ann Arbor! Close to a hundred party goers learned about India’s festival of light at International House Ann Arbor. People from all over the world (including India) came to celebrate and experience the culture of India. There were strobe lights, lanterns, and delicious traditional foods prepared by two…
I-House Ann Arbor offers invaluable opportunities to appreciate a different kind of knowledge, something you can’t buy on Amazon or download with an App. The inner knowing we develop from experiencing ourselves as integral members of an international, intercultural global community happens through engagement with diversity. The evolution of our species depends on all of…
“I loved the GEU program on Indians in Boarding Schools!” – IHAA Alumna At I-House Ann Arbor we like to say, “Our context is Global. Our method is Engagement. Our goal is Understanding.” With our vision of a global community that strives for a deeper understanding of our interconnections, the GEU Program kicked-off with themes…
International House Ann Arbor (IHAA) recently hosted a Bangladeshi Community Meal. News of the event appeared on the US Embassy-Dhaka Facebook page. It is rumored that Mamun, the IHAA resident who prepared the food, will teach residents and interested community members how to play Cricket this Spring. Stay tuned by subscribing to IHAA for upcoming events and programs….
GIVING THANKS AT IHAA The recent Thanksgiving celebration at IHAA drew a wonderful crowd of international residents, students and scholars from campus, board members, alumni, and many members of the general community who came especially to meet the residents. Thanksgiving is popular among our foreign visitors who learn about American customs by experiencing their first…